About Me
Thesis: Design and Modelling of an Automated Collaborative Drilling End-of-Arm Tooling (EoAT) for Aerospace Manufacturing
Advisors: Dr. Matt Khoshdarregi & Dr. Amir Zargar
Work Experience
Developing a method for robot geometric self-calibration using a laser line profiler
Volunteer Work
Event Organizer at INNOVATE Decentral. Organizing Tech and AI networking events (2023-Present).
CanU mentor for kids in grades 5 to 12 in the Robotics and Tech workshop at Winnipeg (2022).
Board member of the Robotics Scientific Society of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (2019-21).
Executive Secretary of the AIME 2019 (Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering) conference held by the Mechanical and Computer Science departments of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
Co-op, NRC (Oct 2024 - Feb 2025)
Project ACME: Developed a collaborative robotic solution for safe and efficient aerospace drilling
Modelled system dynamic to derive vibration and Frequency Response Function (FRF), and created an Active Vibration Controller (AVC) using identified system parameters
Prototyped drilling End-of-Arm Tool (EoAT) integrating 10 actuators and 4 sensors.
Prepared request for information/quotation (RFI/RFQ) for mechanical/electrical components
Provided manufacturing drawings, system integration layout, and Human-Machine interface.
Prepared reports, documentation, a patent application, and a paper on the project results
Presented the project during visits from Bombardier Mirabel and Airbus Atlantic facilities
Cyber-physical system (CPS) for finishing applications
Coauthored a journal paper on a collision-free path optimization algorithm submitted at RCIM
Defined and performed test campaigns on the system to generate data for deep-learning models
Awards & Scholarships
VIA Rail RCAF Foundation Award for excellence in S.T.E.M. fields related to aerospace (2024).
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) supporting my M.Sc. proposal, (2023 - 2024).
NRC visiting researcher scholarship (2022 – 2024)
University of Manitoba International Graduate Students Entrance Scholarship (IGSES), (2022).
Ranked 4th in Iran's national Mechanical Design competition (2020).
Visiting Researcher, NRC (Oct 2022 - Feb 2025)
Graduate Research Assistant, IDMLab (Sep 2022 - Feb 2025)
Robotics Engineer, FUMCARE (Mar 2021 - Aug 2022)
NEXA project (Knee Exoskeleton for Assistance) - Mechanical Team Lead
Designed and analyzed (FEM) a knee exoskeleton, with a dense sensor-actuator integration.
Worked closely with several interdisciplinary teams, integrating electrical and control systems.
Resulted in a design patent on a novel joint that follows the real trajectory of the knee.
HEXA project (Hip Exoskeleton for Assistance) - Mechanical Team Lead
Led a team of 8 students (Co-ops, bachelor's, and master's students)
Designed and serviced space-saving actuators, sensors, electronics, and wiring for electronic packaging. Performed design optimization improving structural stiffness.
Led to a design patent on a novel passive hinge enhancing physiotherapy effectiveness.
Coauthored a conference paper on the zero-impedance assistive control strategy of the robot.
The proposed thesis (in collaboration with NRC-AMTC) aims to develop a robotic drilling system with an integrated vision system for automated and accurate positioning of the drilling tool.
Internship, FUMCARE (Nov 2020 - Mar 2021)
Research Collaboration, Automotive and Autonomous Vehicle Technology Lab (Jul 2020 - Dec 2020)
Designed and fabricated a passive ankle joint, making FUM-EXO more comfortable for patients.
Developed a vision-based pick and place control system for Delta robot using OpenCV & ROS.
Developed life cycle emission projections of EVs in the UK by time-series analysis.
Design Engineer (Co-op), MUROC (Mashhad Urban Railway Operation Company) (Oct 2019 - Feb 2020)
Part of the reverse engineering team and responsible for modelling train equipment in SOLIDWORKS.
M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba (Sep 2022 - Feb 2025)
B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Ferdowsi University (Sep 2017 - Jul 2022)
Thesis: Portable Lexa Exoskeleton using ROS2
Advisor: Dr. Alireza Akbarzadeh
Showcasing my Mechatronics Engineering experience and projects.
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